The Center for Public Health Systems Science (CPHSS) offers the following services in the area of Clinical Sustainability:
- Understanding Clinical Sustainability: We will introduce your group to the seven core areas of clinical sustainability and provide an overview of the tool and planning process.
- Assessing Clinical Sustainability: We will customize and administer a group sustainability assessment for your organization’s clinical practice.
- Clinical Sustainability Action Planning: We will deliver an interactive workshop and consultation to help your team understand and plan for sustainability.
Understanding Clinical Sustainability
We can help your team apply the Clinical Sustainability Assessment Tool to your clinical practice by coordinating and facilitating a webinar or workshop introducing the Clinical Sustainability Assessment Tool to your team.
Our introductory webinars and workshops can be customized to meet your practice’s specific needs and typically cover:
- An introduction to the seven domains of the Clinical Sustainability Framework and importance of building sustainability capacity
- An overview of current research and best practices related to assessing clinical sustainability
- Step-by-step training on how to complete the CSAT using
Assessing Your Practice’s Capacity for Sustainability
Let us manage your practice’s sustainability assessment. Our Clinical Sustainability Assessment Tool services include:
Advanced Group Assessment Management: We will set up and manage the Clinical Sustainability Assessment Tool via for teams of any size.
Clinical Sustainability Assessment Tool Customization: We will tailor the Clinical Sustainability Assessment Tool to meet your practice’s specific needs (language, terminology, additional questions, etc.).
Clinical Sustainability Action Planning
We can help your team apply the results of the Clinical Sustainability Assessment Tool to improve your practice’s capacity for sustainability. Our interactive workshops (or webinars) can be customized to meet your practice’s specific needs.
Our Clinical Sustainability Action Planning Services include:
Clinical Sustainability Action Planning Workshop: We will coordinate and facilitate a workshop introducing the process of Clinical Sustainability Action Planning based on your practice’s sustainability assessment results. This workshop includes an overview of the planning process and best practices, opportunities to discuss your practice’s assessment results, and step-by-step guidance for creating a sustainability plan.
Clinical Sustainability Action Planning Technical Assistance: We will provide one-on-one technical assistance to your team throughout the action planning process. This service includes an in-depth review of your practice’s sustainability scores, feedback on action plan drafts, and suggestions for steps to carry out your plan successfully.
Clinical Sustainability Action Plan Review/Revision Technical Assistance: We will provide ongoing technical assistance to assist you while you revise your existing plan to address changing environmental and financial needs. This service can also include re-assessment of your practice using the Clinical Sustainability Assessment Tool.
Additional Services:
Intensive Clinical Sustainability Assessment and Planning Workshop: We will plan and facilitate an in-person or virtual workshop on clinical sustainability assessment and planning. This workshop includes information on the assessment and planning process, an in-depth review of your practice’s sustainability scores, feedback on plan drafts, and suggestions for plan steps.